This morning by 9.30am 31 August 2023 Apostle drove out to buy some few things. Then he saw some street children sleeping outside a warehouse on a wet rainy cold weather.
He stopped, woke them up from their sleep and asked them if they are interested in going to school ?
They all said yes.

He put them inside his car, took them to his house. Cleaned them up. Bought new cloths for them.
And has called the authorities of OPM free school to enroll them by September into OPM free school.
Currently there are no longer street children sleeping in the streets, but now Daddy children living with other 500 daddy children .

For 12 years now Apostle chibuzor has been picking children from the streets, rehabilitate them and give them a better life. Many started from primary school with him and they are now graduates and working.
Fully sponsored through tithe and offering in OPM Church