Recently, we witnessed a media onslaught from various bloggers, not on print media about negative and false narratives on the person of Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere, founder and General Overseer Omega power Ministries (OPM).
Even though 90 percent of comments on those online platforms are in favour of this dedicated man of God, it will be right for those who made negative comments against him to understand the person who Apostle Chinyere is.
Apostle Chinyere have been a born giver. His giving dates back to his days in secondary school during his stay in school hostel. Apostle Chinyere will come back to school with provisions and shared same to everyone in his room until the last drop.
This same thing repeated during his short stay in Lagos before his encounter with God that gave birth to Omega Power Ministries (OPM), one of the fastest growing church in Africa today.
Let me use this medium to correct some negative impressions going on in social media that Apostle Chinyere got sick because of media attack.
Apostle Chinyere we all know is man who work round the clock even without rest. One thing we need to understand is that the Man of God is not working round the clock to better his family, he is not working round the clock because he wants to enrich himself, by the Grace of God he is working round the clock to save, transform and put smiles in the faces of those who have Lost hope in life – the widows, the orphans, the rejected, the less privileged etc.
Offcourse because he is a human, he encounters stress as a result of not having adequate rest.
He does not physically rest, his brains are busy, he is always thinking about how to get fund because the burdens of taking care of the numerous people under his care was becoming too much.
It was that same stress and lack of rest because of peoples burden that affected him last year between May and June.
It was this same stress that he is currently going through now not as a result of social media onslaught and those who ignited falsehood against him.
Let me also quickly take us to the few of his humanitarian engagements apart from normal church activities which kept him so busy, he has been busy running various life changing initiatives which involves huge capital, time and focus.
His visions focused in uplifting the poor and the less privileged in Nigeria.
For instance, he felt pity at the rate of high maternal mortality in Nigeria and set up a free hospitals to enable those who can’t access a good hospital due to lack of finance, rather than patronizing quacks and die in the process should come to OPM free specialist hospital and deliver their babies free of charge.
His free school initiatives have equally reduced the high rate of out of school children in Nigeria. Today many children who roam in the streets without education are now in OPM free schools across the country.
Let me still remind us that because OPM free schools . the man of God still identified more than four good secondary schools where he pays the school fees for those who finished primary school in OPM and enrolled them in those secondary schools .
His free skills acquisition center initiatives have created jobs for not fewer than 20,000 Nigerians who got their training in OPM free skills acquisition center. The center have trained not fewer than 30,000 Nigerians in various vocational skills free of charge.
His international and Local university scholarships cannot be forgotten in a hurry because it is still ongoing.
His free Estates have giving hope to homeless Nigerians because they live in the estates free of charge.
In the history of Christianity in Nigeria, I have not seen where armed robbers, kidnappers, cultist, prostitutes and others runs to church and surrender various ammunitions and give their lives to God. This have been a constant event in OPM. What happened after given their lives to God?
Apostle Chinyere, a kind hearted, benevolence and humane man of God built a rehabilitation center in port Harcourt where those people are being rehabilitated. During this period they live in a free house, free food and also undergoing through various vocational training in OPM free skills acquisition center. Some of them who are married live with their family while their children are enrolled in OPM free school and business opened for their wives.
Time May not permit me to mention all OPM life changing initiatives and the classes of people he has touched their lives.
Come to think of it , is Apostle Chinyere a government on its own ?
Can Nigerians easily forget all his positive contributions to National development? Never!

The happie boys issue which is a case of a finger that bite the hands that fed them is a clear demonstration of ingratitude.
Recently I saw a cartoon with the following caption “DON’T FEED EVERYONE YOU SEE SUFFERING, SOME JUST NEED STRENGTH TO BITE YOU”.
The case of happie boys is a lesson to every well meaning Nigerians and we have all learnt.
Another falsehood was that of Deborah Samuel family. Even thought God’s servant have out of his busy schedule still find time to offer clarifications, it is also a lesson to all of us.
We all know about the case. Ordinarily Nigerian Government and Sokoto state government should have taken the responsibility of the late Deborah’s family but they did not. Apostle Chinyere didn’t asked because he have a church. He cares because it is in him. He thinks about people’s welfare rather than his own welfare. He goes extra miles to help.
Now, can we take his giving lifestyle, benevolence and kindhearted as a weakness?
Will it be the reason why those he assisted comes back to fight him and raise all manners of attack and falsehood against him rather than showing appreciation to him?
Will his unhindered access granted to people to enable him listen to their problems and find ways of ameliorating their situations be described as weakness?
One thing is sure, Apostle Chinyere is not deterred and will never stop helping people who are in need because of falsehood meted against him. After all Jesus Christ was falsily accused, yet he continued his works.
Apostle Chinyere is not carrying out those humanitarian engagements to be rewarded by man. He is doing the work of God that sent him. Lets therefore ignore negative reports from those who don’t want him to succeed, give him massive support and pray that God will continue to keep him in the years ahead.
Kenneth N. Nwachi writes from Abuja