1. Ezeabikwa Michael Oluchukwu

    I need you to pray with me on the following Prayer point:
    1. Genuine salvation
    2. A better job
    3. To serve God with all I have
    4 To be a blessing to the growth of the gospel on earth and to mankind.

  2. Adanne

    Pls I need whats the time for services….i need prayers….Every thing isn’t going well…..delay in all areas….no job since 4 years after graduation

  3. Adasingo Harry

    Pls daddy I want to write jamb this year and I want to gain admission in university pls need prayers

  4. James Jeremiah

    I need a prayer in my football Carrera, if I went to trial I will be selected but I didon know what happened before I know they got my change, I have been praying for delivery, please pray for me, football is the only thing I do in my life, and am ready to savers the Lord with my life, because he gave me the life to savers him

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