From offering and tithes in OPM 27 OPM Free schools has been established for orphans and children from less privileged homes.
From offering and tithes 2 free specialist hospitals has been established for the less privileged.
From offering and tithes in OPM the biggest multi skill acquisition center in rivers state free of charge for the youths.

From offering and tithes in OPM 18 free estates was built for less privileged families.
From offering and tithes in OPM thousands have been sent overseas.
From offering and tithes so many armed robbers, kidnappers, cultists has been rescued and rehabilitated and now good citizens. No more crimes.
From offering and tithes so many commercial sex workers hotels has been closed down and their girls rescued and rehabilitated and shops opened for them and some of them are happily in their husbands house.
From tithes and offerings in OPM thousands of youths has been sent overseas and some are doing very well now.
From tithes and offering in OPM more than 50 houses has been built for so many poor widows there husbands died leaving them homeless.
From tithes and offerings in OPM many streets children has been rescued from the streets and sent to school, some are now graduates while some are still in school.
From tithe and offerings in OPM a free restaurant is open for the poor.
From offering and tithes in OPM so many businesses has been established for the poor and some are now doing well.