Today 28 May 2023 in church master prosper just showed me his last examination result.
Remember prosper the little boy OPM church rescued from being a road side mechanic, because the father abandoned the mother and prosper had to stop school and start leaning mechanic on the road side.

After rescuing prosper, OPM have to enroll him into one of OPM partners schools.
Normally when our 23 free schools is filled up, we enroll children into other schools funded by OPM.
He is in one of the schools after he has finished from OPM free schools.
Seeing these school result has really encouraged us to do more.
A A A throughout his result.

Just imagine if we had not intervened in his life, such a Great brain would have just wasted as a road side mechanic.
Fully funded through tithes and offerings in OPM