Home of Healing and Miracles

Come visit this Sunday @ 7 am at Doctor Jesus City. We’re glad to meet you.

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Location Details

Doctor Jesus City Aluu, Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria

Church News

Happening Now…..

Happening Now….. OPM mobile restaurant visits Rumuola and under fly over in education today, Tuesday 21st November 2023. Remember, because of increase on the price of fuel and the resultal hardship on less privileged Nigerians, Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere the General Overseer of Omega Power Ministry OPM initiated a special program of going out to feed the poor titled OPM MOBILE RESTAURANT. Remember for 8 years now, OPM has been running free restaurant.

GOD delivers a 60 year old man hurking pure water.

GOD delivers a 60 year old man hurking pure water. Today 21 November 2023, GOD used Apostle chibuzor chinyere OPM to deliver a 60 year old pure water seller. It happened as Apostle chibuzor chinyere was sharing free food in the OPM mobile free restaurant program, that he saw the old man carrying pure water on his head that came to collect free food. Moved by emotion he gave the man 50k and as the man was going he called…


His name is Henry Chinda is from rivers state, IKWERRE. He was working with PHCN ( NEPA ). One day while changing his cloth to work, his immediate boss saw a tattoo of OPM in his hand. He questioned him about it and asked him to erase it. Mr Henry told him that this is his church and the tattoo is not preventing him from doing his work. From that day his boss stated victimizing. So Henry sent me a…

Amazing Testimonies

Watch testimonies videos…


Homeless Boy Admitted into OPM Free School…

Online Giving

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Jesus Can Still Hear You!

Are you afflicted or unsuccessful in life?

God has not forsaken you — He is waiting with open arms to welcome you — Join us in OPM as we commune with God through prayers!