Today makes it one year Deborah you were killed because you defended your faith in our lord Jesus.
We thank our lord Jesus Christ, the only son of GOD Almighty who did not forget your sacrifice like the way your governor and your government forgot about you.
Deborah you will forever be remembered, because you are a HERO OF FAITH.
Deborah because you stood by your faith, your action has strengthened the faith of Billions of Christians around the world.

Genesis 50: 20. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
Thank you till we meet in heaven we’re GOD has given you a big beautiful mansion. WE WOULD NEVER STOP LOVING YOU and showing same love to your beautiful family whom OPM relocated to port harcourt.
By the grace of GOD, OPM have strengthened your family with these few things
1. A mini estate were they already have 14 tenants paying rents to them.
2. A big restaurant were your mum employed 2 staffs she is paying salary monthly.
3. A Corolla car which your father is currently using for UBAH business.
4. All your siblings have started OPM free school and they can now speak and write English language, but your parents has not picked up English yet, but very soon they will.

Below pictures shows before accommodation and Now accommodation.
All are fully funded through tithes and offerings from OPM church
One Comment
Victor imuse
May God bless the founder of OPM church,for showing how to used the money that comes to his church for God work.wish to support this kind of ministers. I pray that God open my way so I can be part of this ministry in Jesus Name. Amen.